Unlocking the power of technology and human expertise

Our Director of Commercial Insurance discusses Bold Penguin's approach to finding the right insurance coverage for small businesses.


Madison Roslovic, Director of Commercial Insurance Center, Bold Penguin

1. Can you discuss the role technology plays in Bold Penguin’s approach to helping small businesses find the right insurance coverage in the Commercial Insurance Center?

Bold Penguin’s technology is the secret sauce when it comes to assisting business owners in finding the right insurance agent and products for their business. The insurance industry can be overwhelmingly complicated –especially for a layperson focused on running a business. The Commercial Insurance Center team (CIC) asks the necessary questions about the business and our technology identifies the best agent for each business owner based on what they do, what they are looking for, and where they are located. If the business owner doesn’t know what type of coverage they need, we guide them through our coverage selector (one of our newest tech updates), which takes into consideration the type of business they have. We ask the right questions to help guide the business owner to make an informed decision on what products (and ultimately what agent) that would best suit their needs.

2. Could you provide an example of a unique small business that the Commercial Insurance Center helped find the right insurance coverage? 

Recently, we assisted a business owner who offered a variety of services at their art studio. They had been struggling to find commercial insurance for weeks. They would talk to one carrier who could help with 90% of what they do, but not the other 10%. This was their experience across multiple carriers they spoke to. The business offered services like “paint n’ sips”, candle making and other art instruction, as well as renting out their space to third parties. The business owner called the CIC and we were able to identify the correct business category for the most difficult service to find coverage for, and then connected them to a partner who met their needs. It is very common for businesses to offer more than one service, and the magic of NAICS is that our team of Customer Success Advocates (CSA) are experts in identifying which NAICS code, or business category, is the crucial one to select for a successful match. 

3. How does Bold Penguin balance providing a personalized, human touch to its services with the efficiency and convenience of technology-based solutions?

Our CSAs are the people working directly with the business owners and providing a human touch to the whole process. They are subject matter experts on business category selection, quickly understanding complex business models that usually make finding the right agent tedious and difficult. The combination of our CSAs and technology allows us to answer the question of "who can cover me?", instead of "will you cover me?", asked over and over again to many different agents/carriers. Our CSAs know the questions to ask, and the services to dig deeper into, based on the specific industry each business operates in. Their excellent customer service and insurance knowledge makes for a very personalized experience – ensuring that our technology has all the necessary information to get the business owner over to an insurance agent for a quote in just a few minutes.

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